html example of JuliaMono in dark mode
css example of JuliaMono in dark mode
js example of JuliaMono in dark mode
charmap example of JuliaMono in dark mode
html example of JuliaMono in light mode
css example of JuliaMono in light mode
js example of JuliaMono in light mode
charmap example of JuliaMono in light mode


Designed by cormullion

JuliaMono is a monospaced typeface designed for programming in the Julia Programming Language and in other text editing environments that require a wide range of specialist and technical Unicode characters. It was intended as a fun experiment to be presented at the 2020 JuliaCon conference in Lisbon, Portugal (which of course didn’t physically happen in Lisbon, but online).

  • Cost

  • Ligatures

  • Italics

  • Variable